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About Me

Hi! I’m Andrea

I’ve had my own business for over 15 years.

It all started in back in 2005 when I got a really cool job working as a Google Quality Rater. My job was to rate websites according to the guidelines Google provided.

When that job ended, I bought my first domain and started creating niche websites and making money through affiliate marketing.

Then in 2012, I decided to create an app. I enjoyed it so much that I transitioned my business to making iOS Apps. And I’ve been making apps ever since.

Over the years, I noticed that tech was holding a lot of people back from starting their own business, so for the past two years, I’ve been slowly transitioning my business to creating courses and helping other entrepreneurs with tech.

My biggest challenge has been the endless need for creating content — it’s where I struggle the most.

Trying to keep up with all the content I need to create (like lead magnets, emails, social media content, course materials, and the list goes on) has been a real challenge — it seemed like there was never enough time in the day to get everything done.

But all of that changed when I discovered ChatGPT — it’s the assistant I’ve always needed!

I’ve spent countless hours learning how to write prompts and experimenting with using its many different capabilities for creating content for my business.

ChatGPT has become my BFF and a game-changer for my business!

With how much ChatGPT has benefited me and my business, I knew I had to share what I learned with other entrepreneurs, so I created a number of courses that can help you learn how to use ChatGPT for your business.